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ASL Project Multiplier Event in Latvia
The Multiplier event took place on May 27,2022 in Jurmala, Latvia by the Rezekne Academy of Technologies. The event was attended by people working directly in the field of lifelong learning (adult educators, educational politicians, representatives of educational organizations and institutions, etc.). A total of twenty participants attended the event.
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About The Project
“Adult self-learning: supporting learning autonomy in a technology-mediated environment” project is funded by Erasmus+ KA204 Strategic Partnerships for adult education program. Recently (2016), the International Labor Organization (ILO) reported that the majority of new work opportunities in the last decade had been generated in the informal and digitally-based economy. Accordingly, the ASL project supports the setting up of, and access to, upskilling pathways through an advanced educational initiative based on: – An online collaborative environment designed to motivate adult people in learning tasks – Structured learning activities following the Pattern-Based Learning approach
- To teach learners to acquire new skills and competences using learning innovative practices and digital technologies;
- To develop a functioning collaborative learning environment to help them identify skills gaps and needs and to collaborate locally and independently for joint capacity-building.
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Why Use TML?
As access to computers and the internet continues to increase, and student numbers on traditional courses continue to fall, so interest in and provision of TML becomes more widespread in HE throughout the UK and beyond. TML, it is believed, can address the needs of learners engaged in flexible, distance and open learning, provide a wider outreach to more geographically and educationally disparate learners than ‘traditional’ face-to-face or distance courses, and be cost-effective.